= WP OSM Plugin V 6.1.3 (Oct 4th 2024) = RELEASED
- FIX: XSS issue.
= WP OSM Plugin V 6.0.14 (Sept 22th 2024) = RELEASED
- FIX: Display post/page with geotag filter
= WP OSM Plugin V 6.0.13 (Sept 21th 2024) = RELEASED
- FIX: CVE-2024-3604
- FIX: CVE-2024-3603
= WP OSM Plugin V 6.0.6 (Sept 20th 2024) = RELEASED
= WP OSM Plugin V 6.0.2 (Nov 1st 2023) = RELEASED
- FIX: Replaced stamen tiles with OSM tiles
- NEW: OpenLayers 8.1.0
= WP OSM Plugin V 6.0.1 (Oct 15th 2022) = RELEASED
- FIX: Security Fix
- NEW: OpenLayers 7.0.1
= WP OSM Plugin V 6.0 (Jun 11th 2022) = RELEASED
- FIX: jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.9.3 (Nov 27th 2021) = RELEASED
- FIX: Javascript but if site used optimizer
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.9.2 (Nov 26th 2021) = RELEASED
- FIX: Background Image not loaded per default
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.9.1 (Nov 26th 2021) = RELEASED
- FIX: Load JS with version
- FIX: add Settings Link at plugin page
- FIX: some internal changes
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.9 (Nov 19th 2021) = RELEASED
- NEW: OpenLayers 6.9
- NEW: Cluster for one single KML file and standard marker
- NEW: Overviewmap
- NEW: some internal changes
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.8.1 (Sept 14th 2021) = RELEASED
- NEW: OpenLayers 6.7
- NEW: Tested with WP 5.8.1
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.8 (March 28th 2021) = RELEASED
- NEW: custom post type for geotags
- FIX: some fixes at css for map div
- NEW: OpenLayers 6.5
- NEW: MarkerSample.kml added
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.7 (December 28th 2020) = RELEASED
- NEW: generator shortcode for geotag marker of local post/page
- FIX: shortcode generator brakes when edit post/page at Gutenberg
- FIX: map did not show at first tab in shortcode generator at Gutenberg
- FIX: *.map files are not delivered (8 MB => 3,5MB)
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.6 (December 9th 2020) = RELEASED
- FIX: multiple maps with KML / GPX on one post/page
- NEW: UX optimization at the backend
- NEW: suppport WordPress V5.6
- NEW: performance optimization
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.5.1 (November 20th 2020) = RELEASED
- FIX: Display multiple GPX files
- NEW: Opt In for attribution
- FIX: security issue (sanitization)
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.5 (August 30th 2020) = RELEASED
- NEW: OpenLayers V6.4.3
- NEW: swedish tranlsation
- FIX: Update russian translation
- FIX: HOT map
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.4.4 (June 22nd 2020) = RLEASED
- NEW: autozoom can be replaced with max zoom for KML and GPX files
- FIX: php 7.1 compatible * $this” can no longer be used in a plain function or method since PHP 7.1.
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.4.3 (May 11th 2020) = RELEASED
- NEW: autocenter and autozoom for KML and GPX files
- NEW: option to add GDPR image.
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.4.2 (May 5th 2020) = RELEASED
- NEW: If a map with marker is created, the zoom is taken when [save] button is pressed, not when the marker is set.
- NEW: OpenTopoMap
- NEW: Soccer icon
- NEW: Show image if map is not loaded [GDPR]
- NEW: Support Custom PostTypes for maps with geotagged markers (shortcode has to be modified manually).
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.4.1 (April 25th 2020) = RELEASED
- FIX: conflict with Robbo Gallery
- FIX: conflict with Sucuri
- FIX: Delete old OL folders
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.4 (April 14th 2020) = RELEASED
- NEW: OpenLayers 6.3.1
- NEW: Tested with 5.4
- FIX: Take (MIT license) as local script
- FIX: without highres
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.3.6 (Jan 11th 2020) = RELEASED
- FIX: z-index for gpx
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.3.5 (Dec 19th 2019) = RELEASED
- FIX: z-index for gpx and kml and marker
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.3.4 (Dec 1st 2019) = RELEASED
- FIX: blank map
- FIX: OpenSeaMap
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.3.2 (Dec 1st 2019) = RELEASED
- NEW: OpenLayers 6.1.1
- FIX: corrected address for ol.css
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.3.1 (Nov 18th 2019) = RELEASED
- NEW: OpenLayers 6.1
- FIX: WP 5.3 support Clickeventhandler to generate shortcode
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.2.2 (July 27th 2019) = RELEASED
- Fix: Fatal error line 249 osm.php
- Fix: SSL for osm_map shortcode
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.2.1 (May 12th 2019) = RELEASED
- NEW: All icons are available at SetGeotag
- NEW: CreateMarker and Map&Marker is combined (simplicity)
- FIX: Load osm_map.css error
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.1.4 (April 14th 2019) = RELEASED
- Fix: KML selector box
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.1.1 (March 13th 2019) = RELEASED
- Fix: Undefined variable: OL3_LIBS_LOADED
- Fix: Custom Post Type
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.0.2 (Feb 22nd 2019) = RELEASED
- PHP Warning because of non static function … traceErrorMsg
= WP OSM Plugin V 5.0.1 (Feb 17th 2019) = RELEASED
- NEW: New Icons
- NEW: Gutenberg compatible
- NEW: OpenLayers 5.3.0
- NEW: Stamen terrain
- Fix: “hot” in map selector
- NEW: Rumania language
- Fix: Nachkommastellen
- Fix: Warning at OL2
= WP OSM Plugin V 4.1.2 (Sep 29th 2018) = RELEASED
- NEW: Humanitarian OSM map (type=”hot”)
- FIX: Thunderforest maps were not shown
- FIX: check for post ID in osm.php
= WP OSM Plugin V 4.1 (Feb 17th 2018) =
- NEW: Add default values for maps in settings (thanks to alm06130 )
- FIX: Unable to select different tabs at shortcode generator
- FIX: Forumlink at settings
= WP OSM Plugin V 4.0.2 (Dec 17th 2017) =
- FIX: Add “globe” button [E] at shortcode generatetor
- FIX: Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
- FIX: add_options_page has to be static
- NEW: show icon at [Create Marker]
= WP OSM Plugin V 4.0.1 (Nov 28th 2017) =
- FIX: “Notice: Undefined offset: 1” if gpx file list color is not set
- FIX: “Strict Standards: Non-static method Osm::sc_OL3JS() should not be called statically”
= WP OSM Plugin V 4.0 (Nov 26th 2017) =
- NEW: Selectionbox under map
- NEW: OpenLayers 4.5
- NEW: Backend with OpenLayers 4.5
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.9.4 (May 12th 2017) =
- FIX: empty map if geotag of posts were shown
- FIX: caravan icon was wrong
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.9.3 (April 28th 2017) =
- FIX: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.9.2 (April 23th 2017) =
- FIX: shortcode generator for KML and GPX did not work
- FIX: Strict Standards: Non-static method Osm::getPostMarkerCFN() fixed
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.9.1 (April 9th 2017) =
- FIX: Warning at kml and gpx in debug mode
- Note: The text “if you want to setup a control via text link, set setup_map_name in shortcode of map to control” is only visible when you are logged in.
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.9 (April 9th 2017) =
- NEW: API key support for thunderforest maps
- NEW: most tiles are loaded via https instead of http
- NEW: OpenLayers 4.0.1 and polyfill to cover also old browsers
- NEW: enlarged map at shortcode generator
- NEW: plugin size less 1MB
- FIX: change text-domain to “osm”
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.8 (Jan. 8th 2017) =
- NEW: add nine markers to a post/page
- NEW: change cursor on hover over marker
- FIX: did not show
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.7 (Feb. 19th 2017) =
- NEW: Combine / cluster feature for maps with geotag.
- NEW: OpenLayers V3.13.1
- FIX: map_border at KML tag generator
- FIX: changed order in mouseposition
- FIX: improve error messages with more details
- FIX: marker_size at osm_map_v3 did not work since 3.6.2
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.6.2 (Jan. 20th 2017) =
- NEW: Spanish translation
- NEW: controls at kml / gps shortcode generator
- FIX: widget has got 99% instead of 100% width
- FIX: osm_map => osm_map_v3 converter for geotags
= WP OSM Plugin V 3.6.1 (Jan. 9th 20th 2017) =
- NEW: OpenLayers 3.12.1
- NEW: WP OSM Studio: shortcode generator & geotagger in one metabox
- NEW: iconview in WP OSM Studio
- NEW: marker in osm_map_v3 with html-text
- NEW: mouseposition and scaleline in osm_map_v3
- FIX: Support of PHP 7.0
= 3.5.5 =
* NEW: osm_map_v3: map types “pioneer” and “brezhoneg” are supported
* FIX: osm_map: google maps are replaced with osm maps
* FIX: osm_map: routing link at marker text is fixed
= 3.5.4 =
* NEW: zoom with mousewheel can be enabled with mwz=”true”
* NEW: custom marker size can be set with marker_size=”height,width, focus”
* FIX: map with geotags with PHP version 5.5 and higher
= 3.5.3 =
* NEW: added category filter for osm_map_v3
= 3.5.2 =
* NEW: Added OpenCycleMap, Outdoor, Landscape, Spinal Map = 3.5.1 =
* NEW: Performance improvements for geotagged posts (osm_map_v3)
* FIX: Attribution according to OpenStreetMap
= 3.4.1 =
* FIX: description @ kml file were missing
= 3.4 =
* FIX: Marker anchor moved when zooming
* FIX: French translation by Marc – thanks!
* NEW: OpenLayers 3.10.1
* NEW: Disable mousewheelzoom
* FIX: undefined at marker
* NEW: fullscreen button
= 3.3.2 =
* NEW: Show description in KML file for osm_map_v3 shortcode
= 3.3.1 =
* FIX: wrong icons at osm_map_v3 shortcode
= 3.3 =
* NEW: update to OpenLayers 3.5
* NEW: support KML files with osm_map_v3 shortcode
* NEW: Change default lon & lat for geotagger & shortcode generator
* NEW: Define to disable -404 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access- error
= 3.2.1 =
* FIX:
= 3.2 =
* NEW: Add list of GPX files with waypoints using OpenLayers 3
= 3.1.1 =
* NEW: Marker in Map with OpenLayers 3 library
* FIX: Security update
* FIX: Replace routing ORS by OSRM
= 3.1 =
* NEW: replaced CC-By map icon collectin with CC0 map icons
* NEW: widget for geotagged posts / pages with OpenLayers 3
* NEW: gpx_file_list to show multiple gpx files in one map
= 3.0 =
* NEW: Included OpenLayers 3
* NEW: New UI at add post / add page in metabox
= 2.9.4 =
* NEW: directly set geotag at edit post
* NEW: icon added
* NEW: italian translation
* FIX: map image style
= 2.9.3 =
* NEW: icons added
* NEW: icon preview at shortcode generator when you set a marker
= 2.9.2 =
* FIX: icon size for geotagged post / pages
* FIX: generate map type at shortcodegenerator
* NEW: add customfield for icon at shortcodegenerator
* NEW: some new icons * CHANGE: generate width in percentage instead of pixels
= 2.9.1 =
* FIX: OpenWeatherMap
* NEW: individual icons in map with all geotagged posts / pages
= 2.9 = Dec 2014
* FIX: Pink tiles at OpenSeaMap
* NEW: OpenLayers 3.0 preperations
= 2.8.2 = Oct 6th 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.9)
* NEW: tested with WordPress 4.0
* NEW: Support of old geotags
= 2.8.1 = July 2014
* NEW: add excerpt (read more text) to popup of geotagged post
* NEW: Add OSRM routing service
* FIX: do not show widget at blogarchive
* FIX: plugin directory
* FIX: google max zoom level
= 2.8 = May 10th 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.9)
* NEW: OSM Widget for geotagged posts / pages
* NEW: set width and height relative (perc.)
* NEW: new icons added
* FIX: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
= 2.7.1 = April 21st 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.9)
* NEW: Add marker argument OSM_geo
* NEW: Add customfield OSM_geo_icon
* NEW: Russian translation
* FIX: Internal: use content_url() function instead WP_CONTENT_URL
= 2.7 = March 30th 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.8.2)
* FIX: z-index argument was not considered
* NEW: Map Icons Collection is included
* NEW: Shortcode to add photos of the post/page vie EXIF meta data
= 2.6.2 = March 1st 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.8.1)
* FIX: Shortcode generator used GoogleStreet instead of Mapnik
* FIX: OSM Plugin was linked twice at OpenWeather and OpenSeaMap
* FIX: All is replaced by AllOsm automatically
* NEW: Shortcode argument long is replaced by lon (backwards compatible)
= 2.6 = Feb 25th 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.8.1)
* NEW: Multiple geotags for one post/page
* NEW: Update to OpenLayers 2.13
* NEW: Update to Google API V3
* NEW: Shortcode for OpenLayers 3 Beta-tests
* FIX: Delete options at uninstall
* FIX: Circle radius corrected
* FIX: Scaleline correct
= 2.5.3 = Feb 1st 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.8.1)
* FIX: google maps with space in the argument do not work
= 2.5.2 = Jan 31th 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.8.1)
* FIX: Notice: Undefined offset
= 2.5.1 = Jan 31th 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.8.1)
* FIX: Fix for FF (pink tiles)
= 2.5 = Jan 18th 2014 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.8.1)
* NEW: SSL support
* NEW: GUI improvements
* NEW: basemap tiles (Austrian gov)
* NEW: stamen tiles (watercolor and toner)
* NEW: Russian translations
* FIX: pink tiles at some FF versions
= 2.4.1 = Jan 4th 2013 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.8)
* FIX: New Server for OpenSeaMap
* NEW: load OpenLayers locally (preperatin for SSL in backend)
= 2.4 = Nov 23th 2013 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.7)
* NEW: OpenWeatherMap integration
* NEW: geotag custom field name predefined to OSM_geo_data
* NEW: Default value for php function zoomlevel = 2.3 =
* NEW: php call supports theme for map integration
* NEW: marker_focus (5) added for map collection added
* NEW: New arguments to filter: post_type, custom_taxonomy, import_osm_custom_tax_incl_name
* NEW: add several txt files in one map: marker_file_list
= 2.2 =
* FIX: style rules are limited for OSM images
* FIX: html comment is set if post / page is geotagged
= 2.1 =
* NEW: ShortCode Generator also at pages
* FIX: Pink Stripes at adaptive WP theme
* FIX: Center of the map is not influenced by marker anymore
= 2.0 = May 29th 2013 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1)
* NEW: ShortCode Generator at edit posts
* NEW: High precision to set a marker at the backend
* NEW: Display circles / discs in your map
* NEW: Upload and display KML files (Popup Points)
* NEW: Draw line between geotagged posts automatically
* NEW: OpenLayers 2.12
* NEW: French translation
* NEW: Predefined OSM themes for control and map border
= 1.3 = Feb 9th 2013 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1)
* NEW: Support of OpenSeaMap
= 1.2.3 = Jun 30th 2012 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1)
* FIX: Link OpenLayers 2.11 as GML layer is not supported anymore
= 1.2.2 =
* FIX: Shortcode generator did not show anything since Osmarender service is not supported anymore.
= 1.2.1 =
* FIX: Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 … on line 276 = 1.2 =
* FIX: Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 … on line 272
* NEW: use private theme for cntrols in /wp-content/uploads/osm/theme/
* NEW: language: Japan
= 1.1.1 = Fev 24th 2012 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1)
* NEW: extended rights to upload GPX files in Mediathek
* NEW: CSS file
* FIX: WP-Theme zBench fix
* FIX: HTML tag if post is geotagged
* FIX: z-index at shortcode generator
= 1.1 = * NEW: add the text for popup marker directly in the shortcode generator (settings => OSM) * NEW: add a link to a routing service (settings => OSM) * NEW: set the z-index if needed (eg. for Next Gen Gallery) * NEW: choose a theme for the control icons * NEW: add the mouse position directly in the shortcode generator (settins => OSM) * NEW: plugin size less than 100kB
= 1.0 = Nov 3rd 2011 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: Internationalization (languages: EN, DE) * FIX: HTML code for geotagged posts * FIX: WP-Theme Twenty Eleven
= 0.9.6 = May 7th 2011 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: shortcode generator at Settings=>OSM extented * NEW: marker filename is used for the map picker * FIX: Warning: split() expects parameter 2 .. on line 211 * FIX: car icon size corrected
= 0.9.5 = March 10th 2011 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: mark all geotagged posts can be filtered by category * NEW: map_border tag added to set border around the OSM map * NEW: marker_focus tag added to adjust the marker * NEW: gpx filename is used for the map picker * FIX: style correction for some WP-themes (eg Suffusion)
= 0.9.4 = Oct 28th 2010 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: LIBS of diff. map types are loaded only when needed * NEW: Shortcodegenerator at backend extented to get the chosen maptype * FIX: Customfield marker error at IE
= 0.9.3 = Sept 19th 2010 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: added Google Maps: Sattelite, Street, Hybrid, Physical
= 0.9.2 = June 27th 2010 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: added osm_l tag for map with linked marker to tagged posts. * FIX: correct offset for pin-icons and non-osm-icons * FIX: style correction for some WP-themes
= 0.9.1 = May 24th 2010 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: popup marker with link for the map displaying all posts/pages of the blog * FIX: licenselink is not displayed if an external map is loaded * FIX: some WP-thems showed grids/lines in the map * FIX: bug if several maps were shown at the same time
= 0.9 = March 29th 2010 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: display several gpx files with diff. colours in one map * NEW: template tags to be used in your theme to show maps at geotagged posts * NEW: extend zoom level for mapnik to 18
= 0.8.7 = Dec 24th 2009 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * FIX: HTML-PopUp-Marker without Customfield-Text produced ‘Array’ (WP 2.9) * FIX: size of bicycle icon
= 0.8.6 =Dec 7th 2009 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: performance improvement: needed libraries are loaded only if maps are displayed – improves the whole blog! * NEW: external maps can be included instead of standard OSM-maps * NEW: controls (scale, scaleline, mouseposition) can be included by tag
= 0.8.5 = May 29th 2009 (WP 2.5.1 – WP 3.5.1) * NEW: HTML marker for PopUps = 0.8.4 = * FIX: plugin folder changed * FIX: some internal stuff
= 0.8.3 = * FIX: correct offset for indiv. marker
= 0.8.1 = * FIX: check whether gcstats is activated or not = 0.8.0 = * NEW: separate file for option and import; gcstats support; add marker in option page
= 0.7.0 = * NEW: shortcode generator in option page added = 0.6.0 = * NEW: options got prefix “osm_”, therefore settings have to be made again at upgrade
= 0.5.0 = * NEW:added type at shortcode (Mapnik, Osmarender, CycleMap, All) ; overviewmap in shortcode
= 0.4.0 = * NEW: added KML support and colour interface for tracks
= 0.3.0 = * NEW: added “marker_all_posts” at shortcode to set a marker for all posts
= 0.2.0 = * NEW: loading GPX files with shortcode NEXT VERSION
Plugin-Vers Released WP-Version V2.8.2 06.10.2014 2.8 - 4.0.1 V2.8.1 2.8 - 4.0 V2.8 10.05.2014 2.8 - 3.9.1 V2.7.1 21.04.2014 2.8 - 3.9 V2.7 30.03.2014 2.8 - 3.8.2 V2.6.2 01.03.2014 2.8 - 3.8.1 V2.6 25.02.2014 2.8 - 3.8.1 V2.5.3 01.02.2014 2.8 - 3.8.1 V2.5.2 31.01.2014 2.8 - 3.8.1 V2.5.1 31.01.2014 2.8 - 3.8.1 V2.5 18.01.2014 2.8 - 3.8.1 V2.4.1 04.01.2014 2.8 - 3.8 V2.4 23.11.2013 2.8 - 3.7 V2.3 2.8 - 3.5.1 V2.2 2.8 - 3.5.1 V2.1 2.8 - 3.5.1 V2.0 29.05.2013 2.8 - 3.5.1 V1.3 09.02.2013 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V1.2.3 30.06.2012 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V1.1.1 24.02.2012 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V1.0.0 03.11.2011 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.9.6 07.05.2011 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.9.5 10.03.2011 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.9.4 28.10.2010 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.9.3 19.09.2010 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.9.2 27.06.2010 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.9.1 24.05.2010 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.9.0 29.03.2010 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.8.7 24.12.2009 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.8.6 07.12.2009 2.5.1 - 3.5.1 V0.8.5 29.05.2009 2.5.1 - 3.5.1
- OSM copyright wit .articles .post-body ul { padding: 20px } (Bodo Gr.)
- Support subcategories
- Set Geotag in Asia (coordinates)?
- NEW: Cluster with color for KML (OL6.1)
- show licenses in readme.txt
- px / kml mit fileselectbox
- max und min zoom level