Deprecated – OpenLayers 2 part 6
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The WordPress OSM Plugin supports geotagging for posts and pages.
- Install WP OSM Plugin
- Activate Options to see geotag and shortcode are at add post page
- Geotag your posts /pages
Note: You can add multiple geotags to one post / page, just separate them with space in the custom field, see also the Blog!
[*osm_map lat=”52.795″ lon=”23.51″ zoom=”1″ width=”450″ height=”300″ control=”mouseposition,scaleline” map_border=”thin solid orange” theme=”ol_orange” type=”osm” marker_name=”wpttemp-yellow.png” import=”osm”]
You can change the marker simply by giving a relative path to your personal icon at marker_name.
The announcements of this Blog have been geotagged with capitals of Europe, to add only marker of announcements a with link to the article add a shortcode like this:
The auto generated map looks like this – click on the map to get a link to the article.
[*osm_map lat=”49.795″ lon=”13.51″ zoom=”3″ width=”90%” height=”300″ control=”mouseposition,scaleline” map_border=”thin solid orange” theme=”ol_orange” import=”osm” import_osm_cat_incl_name=”announcement” import_osm_line_color=”orange”]
Draw a line between the geotagged posts with addional argument import_osm_line_color=”orange” :
There is also a widget to display a map with the geolocation at the post / page automatically. Just go to:
You can see the widget with the map on this site.
You can also add autogenerated map to your WP-theme you this coding:
// echos a links to OpenStreetMap with post/page geo data.
// returns a links to OpenStreetMap with post/page geo data.
// returns the Long value of post/page geo data
// returns the Lat value of post/page geo data
- - - Sample to add link to OSM with geo data in my template - - -
Add these lines in the emplate file to create a link with geo data of your post.
<?php $NameOfPlace = get_the_title();?>
<?php if (function_exists(OSM_echoOpenStreetMapUrl)) { ?>
<?php if ((OSM_getCoordinateLong('osm'))&&(OSM_getCoordinateLat('osm'))) { ?>
<?php _e(" - Map:"); ?>
<?php echo "<a title='".$NameOfPlace."' target='_blank' href='".OSM_getOpenStreetMapUrl()."'> OSM</a >";?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>